We were lucky to have a little extension of summer this September but it was well deserved considering the disastrous weather we had in Paris in July and August. But the signs of the arrival of autumn on this 1st of October are there: the fall of temperatures, the earlier sunset a and of course the numerous tree leaves that litter the streets and sidewalks of Paris.

But we have also some October’s milestones event in Paris.

  • Like every year on the first Saturday of October the famous  Nuit Blanche is taking place in Paris.

After the heritage days and the museum night, the Nuit Blanche with a very original and playful approach highlights contemporary artistic creation.

Nuit Blanche Edition 2021

This year, it is proposed to follow the GR75, a hiking trail around Paris and discover artistic installations and events along the way.

As for the “journées du patrimoine, I advise you to consult the program carefully because many experiences require a registration.





  • Autre événement incontournable des automnes parisiens la FIAC! (foire internationale d’art contemporain). Elle aura lieu cette année du 21 au 25 octobre au Grand Palais éphémère (sur le champs de Mars). Le Grand Palais étant en rénovation pendant plusieurs années.
  • Another event not to be missed during the autumn in Paris is FIAC! (international fair of contemporary art). It will take place this year from October 21 to 25 at the ephemeral Grand Palais (on the Champs de Mars). The Grand Palais is under renovation for several years.

    What I prefer during the FIAC is the FiAC hors les murs!  An open air exhibition that traditionally takes place at the Place Vendôme and in the Tuileries gardens. And what I really like is the possibility on weekends to take advantage of the free cultural mediation around the works proposed by art history students at the École du Louvre.


If you are more in the mood for nature and wishing to enjoy the beautiful colors of autumn, think about getting out of Paris and visiting the Ile de France and the Ile de France forests, which are easily accessible from Paris like Fontainebleau- Forest of St Germain en Laye or the Forest of Rambouillet.

I can only recommend once again Enlarge Your Paris website which is full of ideas and original proposals for a breath of fresh air and a bucolic outing.

Forêt de Fontainebleau



I discovered another Website that can be very useful and valuable with a lot of ideas for family activities (unfortunately only in French). They list all the exhibitions accessible to children and propose ideas classified by age group, ideas in Paris or outside Paris, unusual ideas and also for the Toussaint vacations which are approaching (October 24-November 7).


Moi ce wekend pour entamer ce mois d’octobre, je compte bien participer à la Nuit blanche et ce dimanche si il y a pas trop de monde étant donné que nous sommes le 1er dimanche du mois et que beaucoup de musées sont gratuits j’aimerai aller voir l’exposition d’Henri Cartier Bresson Revoir Paris qui est visible jusqu’au dimanche 31 octobre.

This weekend to start this month of October, I intend to participate to the Nuit blanche and this Sunday if it’s not too crowded since it’s the first Sunday of the month and many museums are free I’d like to go and see the exhibition of Henri Cartier Bresson Revoir Paris which is visible until Sunday, October 31st at Musée Carnavalet.

I will give you a little feedback on my weeskend and of course I would love to read your comments on the proposals and the blog in general.

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